In this 90 second read, we celebrate the upcoming World Book Day and some of the moving stories weā€™re lucky enough to share.

Itā€™s World Book Day later this week.

This fantastic project aims to get more children reading for fun.

And weā€™re fully supporting its efforts in Bognor Regis.

Its mission this year is to get kids and adults reading a million stories across the UK on Thursday 5 March. The charity behind the day encourages parents, carers and family members to read for fun (i.e. not schoolwork) with their children for just ten minutes every day.

Why it Matters

According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. ā€œReading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a childā€™s future success, more than their family circumstances, parentsā€™ educational background or their income.ā€

Weā€™re privileged that as estate agents in Bognor RegisĀ we get to listen to peopleā€™s stories.

Because behind every home sold and bought is a personal story.

It could be the newlywed young couple excitedly stepping onto the property ladder.

The family which has grown and now needs extra space to fit in a bigger dining table, the pets, the kidsā€™ toys and books.

Or recently retired people looking to downsize and fund a bucket list ticking trip around the world now that the ā€˜childrenā€™ have grown up and flown the nest.

Whatā€™s Your Story?

We come across so many different people with fascinating, moving and uplifting stories. Itā€™s what makes us love our jobs.

Whatever your story is at Whitlocks weā€™ll do all we can to make sure your property tale in Bognor RegisĀ has a happy ending.

To find out more about World Book Day and how you can take part visit:

Happy reading.