Our COVID19 Health & Safety Valuation & Photography Appointment Policy

The health & safety of our clients, communities & team is of paramount importance therefore we have prepared this policy to be adhered to during the Coronavirus Pandemic period.

Prior to attending a Valuation / Photography appointment

·         The seller/occupier (or anyone in their household) can confirm, they have not had symptoms of the Coronavirus within the last 14 days.

·         We will call you on the day of the appointment to re confirm the above point.

·         The seller/occupier agrees at the time of the appointment, only 2 adults will be at the property, any other sellers/occupants/children or pets should stay in their outdoor space or vacate for duration of the appointment.

·         The seller/occupier agrees to clean the property including internal/external door handles & surfaces etc, leaving internal/external doors, windows & cupboards open. They will also switch any necessary lights on.

·         The seller/occupier is advised supply & wear PPE for their own safety, i.e. face covering & ideally gloves for the duration of the appointment.

·         A 2-metre distance should be maintained between the seller/occupier & staff at all times.

At the Valuation Appointment

·         The seller/occupier should already be wearing their PPE, if appropriate before our staff arrive.

·         Under no circumstances should hands be shaken.

·         A 2-metre distance should be maintained between the seller/occupier & staff at all times.

·         Internal/external doors, windows & cupboards should be open & any necessary lights switched on.

·         The seller/occupier is aware, they have the choice where to be for the duration of the appointment, depending on what they feel is most suitable for them - they may remain inside the property & maintain a 2- metre distance, stay in one room, stay in their outdoor space or vacate for the duration of the appointment.

·         Our staff will need to see proof of ID for the seller, i.e. passport or driving license & proof of address for all sellers, please leave these out for visual inspection.

·         To limit the amount of time spent within the property, price discussions, marketing plans, services & fees will be discussed via a video/telephone call or by email after the appointment & copies of our Agency Agreement can be emailed or posted.

At the Photography Appointment

·         Please ensure you have followed our advice, how best to prepare your property for marketing. If in doubt, call our office for more information.

·         The seller/occupier confirms that they will either stay in one room of the property, stay in their outdoor space or vacate for the duration of the appointment.

·         The seller/occupier should already be wearing their PPE, if appropriate before our staff arrive.

·         Under no circumstances should hands be shaken.

·         A 2-metre distance should be maintained between the seller/occupier & staff at all times.

·         Internal/external doors & windows should be open, lights switched off unless recess spotlights.

·         Our staff member may ask you to move a few items to ensure the photos of your property look their best.

·         Our staff member may switch on/off any appropriate lights but will only do so, with their PPE in place.

Our Staff requirements

·         The staff member (or anyone in their household) can confirm, they have not had symptoms of the Coronavirus within the last 14 days. Please inform the sellers, occupiers & applicants of this information.

·         On the day of the appointment, ensure the seller/occupier (or anyone in their household) can confirm, they have not had symptoms of the Coronavirus within the last 14 days.

·         Please ensure at all times you have your PPE equipment i.e. hand sanitiser, gloves, & face masks.

·         Ensure you wear socks & slip on/off shoes for appointments.

·         PPE must be worn on all appointments, please ensure you are seen by the seller/occupier applying your hand sanitiser, gloves & face mask.

·         Under no circumstances should hands be shaken.

·         Sellers/occupiers have been advised to supply & wear their PPE but they may not wish to do so.

·         Maintain a 2-metre distance at all times.

·         Please dispose of all items, i.e. gloves, masks wipes/paper towels in a plastic bag to be stored in the boot of the company vehicle.

·         Sanitise your hands before getting back into the company vehicle.

·         Wash your hands immediately upon returning home/to the office.

·         The staff member must alert their appointed health & safety officer (Natasha Watts) to any breach of the above that could result in a possible contamination.


We thank you in advance for your understanding & co-operation, these policies have been put in place to ensure we can operate safely.

Should these policies not be adhered to, we fear the infection rate will rise & the government will no longer allow the housing market to stay open.

Stay Alert

Control the Virus

Save Lives