1500 ft Skydive - MS Society

On 31st October 2015, Natasha and her husband Neale jumped out of a plane for the MS Society!

They jumped from 15,000ft which is the highest jump in the UK.

That’s nearly 3 miles high!

From 0 – 125mph in less than 60 seconds.

What and thrilling adrenaline pumping experience!

The skydive was originally planned for 5th July 2014 but was cancelled many times due to bad weather and finally took place on Halloween at the GoSkyDive Centre in Salisbury.

Natasha and Neale were delighted they were finally able to do their skydive after driving back and forth to Salisbury many times over. Natasha said ‘it was an incredible experience, I loved the freefall, it was my favourite part’.

The pair raised a further ÂŁ1,330.00 in aid of the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society through 74 donations.

So far, including their Abseil, they have managed to raise a staggering ÂŁ2,955!

To see why Natasha and Neale have chosen this charity, read their Abseil blog.

Keep an eye out for the next team event in Middleton  - On  - Sea.

What is MS?

Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is a neurological condition. That means it affects your nerves. The specialist doctors who look after people with MS are called neurologists.

You can’t catch MS from someone. You get it when your immune system isn’t working properly. Your immune system normally protects you by fighting off infections. In MS it attacks your nerves by mistake.

These nerves control lots of different parts of your body and how they work. That’s why, if you have MS, you can get its symptoms in many parts of your body and it can affect lots of things your body does. This is why everyone’s MS is different.

Why do some people get MS?

In the UK around 1 in 500 of us has MS. That’s over 130,000 people. Each week over 100 people are told they have it. Nearly three times as many women have MS as men. We don’t know why yet.

In the UK, people are most likely to find out they have MS in their thirties, forties and fifties. But the first signs of MS often start years earlier. It’s rare that children get MS.

What are the symptoms?

MS damages nerves in different parts of your brain and spinal cord. Where this damage is will affect which part of your body gets symptoms.

Symptoms can be unpredictable. They can change from day to day, even hour to hour. They could last days, weeks or months. Depending on the type of MS, these symptoms could stay, ease off or go away completely.

Some people find getting hot, tired or stressed, or exerting themselves can make symptoms worse or trigger a relapse (a flare up of your MS symptoms).

Everyone has their own symptoms and they won’t be the same as other people’s. And how MS develops over time is unique to each person.

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For more information please click here: MS Society Website

Information supplied: MS Society UK 2021: MS Society